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Miles Brown
Miles Brown

Oz The Great And Powerful Hindi Audio Track Download WORK

The film's opening sequence is presented in black and white. When Oscar is caught up in the tornado, the audio switches from monaural to stereo and eventually surround sound.[15] The film shifts to full color when Oscar arrives in Oz; additionally, the aspect ratio gradually widens from 4:3 Academy ratio to 2.35:1 widescreen.[16][17] As in the 1939 film, Glinda travels in giant bubbles, and the Emerald City is actually emerald; in the novel, characters wear tinted glasses to make it appear so, though during the battle preparations sequence Oz can be seen wearing emerald goggles. The iconic green look of the Wicked Witch of the West is closer to her look in the 1939 film, as the Witch is a short, one-eyed crone in the novel. The Wicked Witches are portrayed as sisters, an idea which originated in the 1939 film. Also from the 1939 film is that several actors who play Oz characters make cameos in the Kansas segments, such as Frank, Oscar's assistant whom he refers to as his "trained monkey" (Frank's "Oz" counterpart is the winged monkey Finley) and a young disabled girl who serves as the Kansas counterpart to China Girl (in Kansas, Oscar is unable to make the wheelchair-using young girl walk, and gets a chance to do so when he repairs China Girl's broken legs); Annie who inspires Oscar to be a good and great person (Annie's "Oz" counterpart, Glinda, also inspires Oscar to be a better person) informs him that she has been proposed to by John Gale, presumably hinting at Dorothy Gale's parental lineage.[18] Annie is seen wearing a gingham dress, a pattern famously associated with Dorothy. Interestingly, the names of Dorothy's parents are not mentioned in Baum's book, but John and Ann Smith are Ellie's parents from the book "The Wizard of the Emerald City" by Alexander Volkov.

Oz The Great And Powerful Hindi Audio Track Download


OSHA requires employers conduct baseline and annual audiometry testing on workers who have daily TWA noise exposures of 85 dBA or more. Audiogram review is an important tool for assessing the effectiveness of the hearing conservation program. OSHA requires employers to establish a program to monitor annual audiograms to determine if employees exposed to noise hazards are losing their hearing over the course of employment. OSHA defines a Standard Threshold Shift (STS) as a change in the hearing threshold relative to the baseline audiogram of an average of 10 or more dB in 2,000, 3,000, and 4,000 Hz in either ear. OSHA requires employers to record hearing loss in the OSHA 300 log if there is an STS and the employee meets the definition of mild hearing impairment/loss defined as an average hearing loss in 2,000, 3,000 and 4,000 Hz greater than 25 dB from audiometric zero.

STS Calculation: Calculate the difference between the baseline and current audiogram thresholds at the three required frequencies (2000, 3000, 4000 Hz) and divide the sum by 3 for the average threshold difference. If the average difference is greater than or equal to 10 dB, an STS has occurred. In this example, an STS has occurred in the right ear.

STS Calculation: Compare baseline and current audiogram to determine if there is an STS. If an ear has an STS, subtract the calculated age correction values (Table F-1, see Figure 1) from the threshold difference in each frequency and divide the sum by 3 to calculate the age-corrected average. If the age-corrected average is greater than or equal to 10 dB, the employee has an age-corrected STS. In this example, an age-corrected STS has occurred in the right ear.

STS Calculation: Calculate the difference between the baseline and current audiogram thresholds at the three required frequencies (2000, 3000, 4000 Hz), and divide the sum by 3 for average difference. If the average difference is greater than or equal to 10 dB, an STS has occurred. In this example, initial calculations reveal both left (11.7 dB) and right (13.3 dB) ears have an STS without age correction.

Fully immerse into a premium, theater-quality audio experience in the comfort of your home. This 5.1 speaker system comes with a 1000 Watts Peak/500 Watts RMS power for a rich THX Certified surround sound. With the ability to decode Dolby Digital and DTS encoded soundtracks, Z906 takes your movie and music experience to a whole new level.

Logitech Z906 delivers authentic surround sound straight out of the box. Tuned to the highest standards, this THX-certified 5.1 speaker system is engineered to decode Dolby Digital and DTS encoded soundtracks providing you with a premium audio experience.


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